The Animated Life of Olivia F. Scott: From Corporate Branding to Freedom at the Mat

At Living An Animated Life, our mission goes beyond visual storytelling—it’s about expressing the dynamic ways we, as women, navigate our roles. Whether as wives 👰🏾, daughters 👧🏽, mothers 🤱🏼, or sisters 👭🏿, we all live animated lives, full of challenges, transitions, and triumphs. These stories connect us, and Living An Animated Life is a […]

Family Estrangement: The Silent Epidemic

Family estrangement is a silent epidemic affecting countless individuals worldwide 🌍. Despite societal norms emphasizing the importance of family bonds, particularly between a mother and child 👩‍👧, sometimes estrangement becomes the only viable option for one’s mental and emotional well-being. This piece explores the journey of family estrangement and the complex emotions surrounding it 💔. […]

Doers vs. Leaders: Understanding the Difference and Why It Matters

As someone who’s always been a doer, I’ve come to realize something: people often confuse doing with leading. And when that happens, things can get a little frustrating. Being a doer is not the same as being a leader, and if you’re a fellow doer, you’ve probably felt this too. Let’s break it down. 🌍 […]

The Journey of Change: Embracing the Unchanging

In life, we often find ourselves surrounded by situations that are unfair, challenging, or just plain wrong. It’s easy to get caught up in the frustration of wanting things around us to be different. But what if the key to peace isn’t in changing the world but in changing ourselves? 🧘‍♀️ The Unchanging World Imagine […]

Comparison is Not Compassion: How Well-Meaning Conversations Can Go Awry

Two women sit at an outdoor café, one appearing frustrated while the other is animatedly talking. The frustrated woman has a thought bubble that reads, "Here we go again, she's going to make it about her," representing the theme of comparison vs. compassion. The scene captures the feeling of being overshadowed in a conversation, with elements of self-care, emotional wellness, and the struggle for balance in relationships. The setting reflects modern urban life, with coffee cups on the table and a city skyline in the background, highlighting the importance of boundaries and mutual support in friendships.

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re opening up about something personal, only to have the conversation suddenly shift? 🤔 Perhaps someone jumps in with a story of their own, a similar experience they’ve been through. While they likely mean well, trying to show that they understand what you’re going through, it can […]