The Superwoman Complex: When Tired is an Understatement πŸ˜“
"A charming and expressive illustration of a young Black woman with voluminous curly hair adorned with a large bow, dressed in cozy blue pajamas and matching fluffy slippers. She leans against the arm of a couch, appearing tired and resting her head on her hand. The scene exudes a relaxed, peaceful vibe, with a lamp and side table in the background. The text at the bottom reads 'Daughter of Zion 63 Creations.'" Keywords: illustration, cozy, Black woman, pajamas, tired, curly hair, Daughter of Zion 63 Creations, relaxation, resting, home decor, peaceful mood, lounging.

We’ve all seen it. That moment when your best friend, who usually juggles life like a pro, just couldn’t make it to the couch. Instead, she sat leaning against the arm of the chair, completely drained. 😴 The exhaustion was written all over her face. But what most people don’t see is the invisible load she carries every single day.

In 2024, women have undoubtedly come a long way from where we were 60 years ago. We have more opportunities, more rights, and more visibility in spaces that were once closed off to us. But with those advancements come new challenges that are just as heavyβ€”if not heavierβ€”than before. πŸ˜“

For many single moms or those without hands-on dads, the superwoman complex isn’t just a term; it’s a way of life. There’s this expectation that you can and should do it all. You’re the breadwinner, the caretaker, the chef, the teacher, and the one who keeps the household running like a well-oiled machine. And even when you don’t feel like you have the strength to keep going, you do because you don’t have a choice. πŸ’ͺ🏾

The mental and spiritual toll is something that isn’t talked about enough. Yes, we may not have to rely as much on physical labor as our grandmothers did, but the emotional and mental labor has skyrocketed. The world has become faster, more connected, and more demanding. 🧠 The pressures of modern life can feel like you’re in a never-ending race with no finish line in sight. πŸƒπŸΏβ€β™€οΈ

And then there’s the environment. The food we eat and the air we breathe have deteriorated in quality over the years, making us more susceptible to pollutants that weaken our bodies. 🌍 The resilience that our ancestors had to build out of necessity is something we still need today, but in different forms. We have to be resilient against not only physical exhaustion but also the invisible enemies of stress, pollution, and societal expectations. 😩

So, to my friend who couldn’t even make it to the couch, I see you. I see the strength it takes to carry on even when you’re running on fumes. I see the resilience in your tired eyes and the determination in your worn-out smile. πŸ₯± You are a superwoman not because you do it all but because you keep going even when it’s hard, even when you’re tired, and even when the world feels like it’s on your shoulders. 🌍

Let this be a reminder to all the superwomen out there: it’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to lean on that arm of the chair and take a moment for yourself. πŸ›‹οΈ You don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s support each other and lift each other up, because together, we are unstoppable. πŸ’–πŸ‘­πŸΎ

Call to Action:

If you recognize yourself or a friend in this story, take a moment today to reach out. Send a text, make a call, or even drop by with a cup of coffee. β˜• Sometimes, a simple “I’m thinking of you” can make all the difference. And if you’re the one who’s feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help. πŸ’¬ We all need a shoulder to lean on sometimes, and there’s no shame in admitting that you’re human. Let’s build a community where we lift each other up, where asking for support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Together, we can break the superwoman complex and create a world where every woman feels empowered to take care of herself as much as she takes care of others. 🌟

Courtesy: Cherise Williams-George FB (

Tags :
Balance, Imperfection, Self-Care
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4 Responses

  1. Hi, I appreciate the invite and look forward to sharing my A.I journey since October 2023, during this time, realized community and collaboration, improved my skills tremendously.
    Moving forward glad to a part of a positive A.I with other enthusiastic digital creators.
    Website since March 2024, but unfortunately, lacks updates, so techy (I need help)
    A.I isn’t my only love, I take great pleasure in designing and creating GINYA merchandise for several years and AI, a game changer for “creativity” for many uses. Love how my AI art is evolving in the past 10 months. Thanking you for your interest in our works.
    Here are my Face Book links in addition to the website:

    1. Thank you so much for coming over! 😊✊🏾 We hope you’ll become a regular part of this community. πŸ’ͺ🏾 Your strength is immeasurable! I sent you an email with a Q&A where I’d love to spotlight you and share all your links on our favorite YT’er spotlight. ✨ I hope to hear more from you soon. 🌟 Happy Trails!! πŸšπŸ’–,

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